Cases Electrical: Executive Compensation 2023-EC Search Documents

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BVES Opening Comments on Draft Executive Compensation

1 October 5, 2022 Caroline Thomas Jacobs Director Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety 715 P Street, 20th Floor Sacramento, California 95814 Re: BVES Opening Comments on Draft 2023 Executive Compensation Structure Submission Guidelines (Docket # 2023-EC) Dear Director Thomas Jacobs: On September 15, 2022, the Office
Case: 2023-EC | Document Type: Comments | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Utility | Subjects Areas: | Date: 3/7/2024 12:08:48 PM

Public Advocates Office Comments on Draft 2023 Executive Compensation Structure Submission Guidelines

Public Advocates Office Draft Comments on 2023 Exec Comp Guidelines.pdf 497484267 October 5, 2022 Via Electronic Filing Caroline Thomas Jacobs, Director Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety California Natural Resources Agency Sacramento, CA 95184 Subject: Public Advocates Office Com
Case: 2023-EC | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Other State Office or Agency | Subjects Areas: | Date: 3/7/2024 12:08:21 PM

BVES 2023 EC Guidelines Tables

Attachment 1: Required Information Template 1 Section 1: Incentive Compensation Components Rationale: For the issuance of a Safety Certification, Public Utilities Code section 8389(e)(4) requires that electrical corporations’ executive incentive compensation structures include “incentive compensation based on meeting performance metrics that are m
Case: 2023-EC | Document Type: Guidelines | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Utility | Subjects Areas: | Date: 3/7/2024 12:07:42 PM

BVES 2023 EC Cover Letter

Via Electronic Mail 2023 Executive Compensation Docket # 2023-EC March 13, 2023 Caroline Thomas-Jacobs, Director Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety California Natural Resources Agency 715 P Street 20th Floor Sacramento, California 95814 Subject: 2023 Executive Compensation Pl
Case: 2023-EC | Document Type: Guidelines | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Utility | Subjects Areas: | Date: 3/7/2024 12:07:28 PM

BVES 2023 Executive Compensation Plan

1 BEAR VALLEY ELECTRIC SERVICE, INC. OVERVIEW OF ITS 2023 EXECUTIVE INCENTIVE COMPENSATION PLAN MARCH 13, 2023 I. OVERVIEW OF BVES 2023 EXECUTIVE INCENTIVE COMPENSATION PLAN Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc. (“BVES”) has developed a BVES 2023 Executive Incentive Compensation Plan (“Plan”) that is structured to reflect BVES’ unique corpor
Case: 2023-EC | Document Type: Guidelines | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Utility | Subjects Areas: | Date: 3/7/2024 12:07:13 PM

Draft SCE Executive Compensation Decision

State of California – A Natural Resources Agency Gavin Newsom, Governor OFFICE OF ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE SAFETY Caroline Thomas Jacobs, Director 715 P Street, 20th Floor | Sacramento, CA 95814 916.902.6000 | August 8, 2023 Subject: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety Draft Approval of Southern California E
Case: 2023-EC | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: | Date: 3/7/2024 12:06:33 PM

Draft Bear Valley Executive Compensation Decision

State of California – A Natural Resources Agency Gavin Newsom, Governor OFFICE OF ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE SAFETY Caroline Thomas Jacobs, Director 715 P Street, 20th Floor | Sacramento, CA 95814 916.902.6000 | August 8, 2023 Subject: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety Draft Decision on Bear Valley Electric
Case: 2023-EC | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: | Date: 3/7/2024 12:06:22 PM

Draft PG&E Executive Compensation Decision

State of California – A Natural Resources Agency Gavin Newsom, Governor OFFICE OF ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE SAFETY Caroline Thomas Jacobs, Director 715 P Street, 20th Floor | Sacramento, CA 95814 916.902.6000 | August 8, 2023 Subject: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety Draft Decision on Pacific Gas and Elect
Case: 2023-EC | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: | Date: 3/7/2024 12:06:10 PM

Draft SDG&E Executive Compensation Decision

State of California – A Natural Resources Agency Gavin Newsom, Governor OFFICE OF ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE SAFETY Caroline Thomas Jacobs, Director 715 P Street, 20th Floor | Sacramento, CA 95814 916.902.6000 | August 8, 2023 Subject: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety Draft Decision on San Diego Gas and Ele
Case: 2023-EC | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: | Date: 3/7/2024 12:05:59 PM

Approval of PG&E's 2023 Executive Compensation Structure

State of California – A Natural Resources Agency Gavin Newsom, Governor OFFICE OF ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE SAFETY Caroline Thomas Jacobs, Director 715 P Street, 20th Floor | Sacramento, CA 95814 916.902.6000 | Lisa Laanisto Director, Compensation Pacific Gas and Electric Company 300 Lakeshore Oakland, CA 94612 Su
Case: 2023-EC | Document Type: Determination (Ruling/Decision) | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: | Date: 3/7/2024 12:05:46 PM