Cases Underground: Board Meetings 2023-08-07-WS Search Documents

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Meeting Recording

August 7 & 11 2023 Workshop Meeting Recording The recording of the August 7, 2023 and August 11, 2023 Safety Standards: Potholing Workshop may be found here: August 7 August 11
Case: 2023-08-07-WS | Document Type: Report | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: Underground | Date: 8/15/2023 9:07:22 AM

Revised Notice and Agenda

Agenda Virtual Public Workshop on Safety Standards: Potholing @caenergysafety Virtual Public Workshop on Safety Standards: Potholing Notice and Agenda August 7 and 11, 2023 The Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety (Energy Safety) Underground Safety Board (Board) will hold a virtual public workshop on August 7 and continued on August 11 to disc
Case: 2023-08-07-WS | Document Type: Report | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: Underground | Date: 8/9/2023 11:19:02 AM

Introduction to Pothole Standards

Pothole Standards Introduction Powerpoint Underground Safety Board Board Meeting of the California Underground Facilities Safe Excavation Board July 10, 2023 1:00 p.m. 2 Item 18: Potholing Standards Development Update UNDERGROUND SAFETY BOARD Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety 3 ITEM 18 OVERVIEW 1. Background • Goals • Structure 2. Potholing
Case: 2023-08-07-WS | Document Type: Report | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: Underground | Date: 8/2/2023 2:50:33 PM

Notice and Agenda

Virtual Public Workshop on Safety Standards: Potholing @caenergysafety Virtual Public Workshop on Safety Standards: Potholing Notice and Agenda August 7 and 11, 2023 The Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety (Energy Safety) Underground Safety Board (Board) will hold a virtual public workshop on August 7 and continued on August 11 t
Case: 2023-08-07-WS | Document Type: Report | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: Underground | Date: 7/28/2023 1:48:00 PM

Draft Potholing Standards with Staff Report

Item 18 Potholing Standards Update 1 of 9 California Underground Facilities Safe Excavation Board July 10-11, 2023 Agenda Item No. 18 Information Item – Staff Report Potholing Standards Development Update PRESENTERS Tony Marino, Executive Officer Anona Bonner, Policy Manager SUMMARY During its September 2022 meeting, the Boa
Case: 2023-08-07-WS | Document Type: Report | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: Underground | Date: 7/19/2023 12:26:24 PM
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