Cases Underground: Board Meetings 2023-01-BM Search Documents

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Meeting Minutes

January 9-10, 2023 Meeting Minutes @caenergysafety California Underground Facilities Safe Excavation Board (“Underground Safety Board”) Meeting Minutes The California Underground Facilities Safe Excavation Board, (“Underground Safety Board” or the “Board”) meeting was held in-person in Sacramento, CA and virtually via teleconference call on January 9-10, 20
Case: 2023-01-BM | Document Type: Report | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: | Date: 5/16/2023 7:55:23 AM

Meeting Recording

January 9-10, 2023 Board Meeting Recording The recording of the January 9-10, 2023 Board meetings may be found here: January 9 January 10
Case: 2023-01-BM | Document Type: Report | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: | Date: 1/10/2023 3:50:55 PM

Weather Announcement

January 9-10, 2023 Board Meeting Weather Announcement @caenergysafety Underground Safety Board Meeting January 9-10, 2023 Weather Announcement Given forecasts of significant rain on Monday and Tuesday, we encourage everyone— including Board Members—to consider attending the January 9 and 10 Board meeting remotely through the January
Case: 2023-01-BM | Document Type: Notice | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: | Date: 1/6/2023 4:30:11 PM

Item 6: DigAlert presentation

DigAlert Update 2023-01 Center Update Key Statistics 2022 Total tickets: 1,040,810 ACE tickets: 195 Amendment tickets: 37,662 Cancel tickets: 5,385 Damage/Exposed tickets: 5,685 New tickets: 527,716 No Response tickets: 13,064 Re-Mark tickets: 17,380 Renewal tickets: 433,325 Overall ticket volume% +/-: 10.83% Web Ticket Percentage: 72.11% Web
Case: 2023-01-BM | Document Type: Report | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: | Date: 1/6/2023 10:25:22 AM

Item 6: DigAlert presentation

Legend Code Response 001 Clear - No conflict 002 Clear - No conflict but privately owned utility on property - Contact private utility owner for locate 003 Existing markings adequate 004 No markings requested 010 Locate area marked 011 Locate area marked but abandoned facilities may be in the area 012 Locate area marked up to private owned utility - Contact
Case: 2023-01-BM | Document Type: Report | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: | Date: 1/6/2023 10:25:17 AM

Item 6: Underground Service Alert of Northern California and Nevada presentation

Underground Service Alert Update 2023-01 811 Contact Center Update - USAN California Underground Safety Board Meeting January 9-10, 2023 – Sacramento James Wingate, Executive Director, USAN Statistics 2022 Overview Ticket volume 2022 • USAN Total: 1,939,492 -19,975 tickets (-1.0%) vs. 2021 • California: 1,745,713
Case: 2023-01-BM | Document Type: Report | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: | Date: 1/5/2023 4:52:37 PM

Item 9 - 2023 Plan Draft

Underground Safety Board 2023 Workplan OFFICE OF ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE SAFETY UNDERGROUND SAFETY BOARD 2023 WORKPLAN JANUARY 2023 For a hard copy of this report, please contact the California Underground Safety B
Case: 2023-01-BM | Document Type: Draft Determination | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: | Date: 12/28/2022 4:45:53 PM

Item 5 - Amended Board Policies

Board Policies I I I I Category: Organization Policy Number: B-01 Title: History Adopted: January 9, 2018 Resolution: 18-01-02 Revision: DRAFT The California Underground Facilities Safe Excavation Board was created by the Dig Safe Act of 2016 (Chapter 809, Statutes of 201
Case: 2023-01-BM | Document Type: Report | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: | Date: 12/28/2022 4:43:20 PM

Item 5 - Resolution 23-01-01: Board Policies

Review and Approval of Board Policies California Underground Facilities Safe Excavation Board January 9, 2023 Agenda Item No. 5 (Action Item) – Staff Report Review and Approval of Board Policies PRESENTER Tony Marino, Executive O
Case: 2023-01-BM | Document Type: Report | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: | Date: 12/28/2022 4:41:23 PM

Item 7 - Distinctions Between Unmarked and Abandoned Lines

Distinctions Between Unmarked and Abandoned Lines California Underground Facilities Safe Excavation Board January 9-10, 2023 Agenda Item No. 7 (Information Item) – Staff Report Distinctions Between Unmarked and Aband
Case: 2023-01-BM | Document Type: Report | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: | Date: 12/28/2022 9:55:22 AM
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