I wish to publicly comment on the PG&E 2023-2025 wildfire mitigation plan by saying that their use of advanced circuit-breaker technology is unacceptable. I live in a high fire-risk area and have been experiencing more and longer sustained power outages. When a power outage occurs, I have no means of communication. The area I live in is 30 miles to the nearest town of Paso Robles and requires internet access to make phone calls as cell coverage is extremely limited. No power, no internet. If there’s an emergency of any kind I am unable to contact authorities. A power outage where I live is not just inconvenient, it’s dangerous. There are cheaper and more effective alternative approaches than advanced circuit-breaker technology. I’m referring to insulating power lines. This is already a proven alternative based on Southern California Edison’s and San Diego Gas and Electric’s use of insulated lines. It is cost-effective and reduces the need to shut off power when tree limbs fall on electric lines. Your office is supposed to ensure access to safe, affordable and reliable electricity. Please do so by mandating that power lines be insulated in high fire-risk areas. Thank you. Susan Tonus 2653 Tree Trap Road Bradley, CA 93426