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Q02_Data Usage by Model Q02: Table Illustrating Data Usage by Model Data Usage FireSight FireSim FireRisk Utility Risk and Decision Model Scale and geographical context 10m x 10m pixels across BVES service region 10m x 10m pixels across BVES service region 10m x 10m pixels across BVES service region N/A Topography USGS Topographic Position Index USGS Topographi
Case: Risk-Model-Group | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Utility | Subjects Areas: | Date: 6/13/2024 3:52:05 PM


WMP Model Documentation_TSYL_2024_AppendixVersion Table of Contents 1 Technical Model Documentation 2 1.1 Purpose 2 1.2 Applicability 2 2 Technical Documentation 2 2.1 Problem or Function 2 2.1.1 Problem Modeled 2 2.2 Technical Description 3 2.2.1 Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations 3 2.3 Theoretical Foundation 4 2.3.1 Phenomenon and Physical Laws (Model Bas
Case: Risk-Model-Group | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Utility | Subjects Areas: | Date: 6/13/2024 3:51:39 PM


Microsoft Word - 2024 05 RMWG DR-01 Data Request OEIS- RMWG_2024-001 1 BEAR VALLEY ELECTRIC SERVICE, INC. DATA REQUEST RESPONSE DUE June 11, 2024 TRANSMITTED VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL DATA REQUEST Request Date: Thursday, May 16, 2024 Response Due: June 11, 2024 Originator: Andie Biggs, Utilities Engineer Data R
Case: Risk-Model-Group | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Utility | Subjects Areas: | Date: 6/13/2024 3:51:18 PM

DRU13643_Q007_Atch01_E3 Review

415.391.5100 | 44 Montgomery Street, Suite 1500, San Francisco, CA 94104 | E3 Review of PG&E's Wildfire Risk Model Version 3 May 2022 415.391.5100 | 44 Montgomery Street, Suite 1500, San Francisco, CA 94104 | Jessie Knapstein, Senior Managing Consultant Saamrat Kasina, PhD, Senior Managing Consultant Jen
Case: Risk-Model-Group | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Utility | Subjects Areas: | Date: 6/12/2024 8:16:22 PM

DRU13643_Risk Modeling_DR_OEIS_D001 Q01-07

1 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY PG&E Ref. DRU13643 Data Request Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety Requester DR No. OEIS-RMWG_2024-001 Requester: Biggs, Andie Request Date: May 16, 2024 Response Date: June 11, 2024 Question~!~!No. 001: Regarding: visual depiction of risk models Please provide a visual depiction of various models use
Case: Risk-Model-Group | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Utility | Subjects Areas: | Date: 6/12/2024 8:16:00 PM

Attach OEIS-RMWG 1.4

Table 1 Output FireSight WFA-E: FireRisk WFA-E: FireSim Confidences for each modeling component, including how such confidences were determined. Not currently incorporated into PacifiCorp processes. Not currently incorporated into PacifiCorp processes. Not currently incorporated into PacifiCorp processes. Range of uncertainty for model outputs, including how those
Case: Risk-Model-Group | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Utility | Subjects Areas: | Date: 6/12/2024 3:52:27 PM

Attach OEIS-RMWG 1.3

Table 1 Descriptions Ignition Model Consequence Model PSPS Model (RAIL) (RAVE) Algorithms used and machine learning capabilities. Proprietary to Technosylva. Proprietary to Technosylva. N/A Inputs for the model Asset Data Demographics N/A Outage History Built Environment Ignition History Terrain Population Fuels Built Environment Historic Weather Historic We
Case: Risk-Model-Group | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Utility | Subjects Areas: | Date: 6/12/2024 3:52:19 PM

Attach OEIS-RMWG 1.2

Table 1 Data Usage FireSight WFA-E: FireRisk WFA-E: FireSim Used for Planning and Identification of Mid-Long Range Risk Used for Situational Awareness Used for Situational Awareness Scale and geographical context. Approximately every 100 meters along overhead assets in service territory. Approximately every 100 meters along overhead assets in service territory. Ap
Case: Risk-Model-Group | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Utility | Subjects Areas: | Date: 6/12/2024 3:52:12 PM

Attach OEIS-RMWG 1.1

PacificCorp 6/7/2024 v FireSight WFA-E FireRisk FireSim Risk Associated With Ignition Location (RAIL) Risk Associated With Value Exposure (RAVE) Landscape Characteristi cs Fuel Moisture Values at Risk Assets and Asset History Current and Historic Fire Activity Weather and Atmospheri c Data Population Impacted Buildings
Case: Risk-Model-Group | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Utility | Subjects Areas: | Date: 6/12/2024 3:51:53 PM

OEIS RMWG Set 1 (Q1-7) Responses and Attach OEIS-RMWG 1.7

June 11, 2024 Andie Biggs Re: CA 2023-WMPs OEIS-RMWG (1-7) Please find enclosed PacifiCorp’s responses to OEIS-RMWG data requests 1.1-1.7 and Attachments. If you have any questions, please call me at (503) 813-7314. Sincerely, ___/s/___ Pooja Kishore Manager, Regulation 2023-2025 WMPs/ PacifiCorp June 11, 2024
Case: Risk-Model-Group | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Utility | Subjects Areas: | Date: 6/12/2024 3:50:06 PM