Cases Electrical: Independent Evaluator 2023-IE Search Documents

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19 results

SCE Response to 2022 WMP IE ARC

SCE Response to 2022 WMP IE ARC Gary Chen Director, Safety & Infrastructure Policy Docket #: 2023-IE August 25, 2023 Suzie Rose Program Manager, Compliance Assurance Division Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety 715 P Street, 20th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 SUBJECT: Comments of Southern California Edison Company on 2022
Case: 2023-IE | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Utility | Subjects Areas: | Date: 8/28/2023 6:47:24 AM

SDGE Comments to 2022 WMP IE ARC_Attachment_DR002_Revised_WMP551

WMP.551Revised 1. notification/order/job number 2. SDG&E region 3. Tier 2 and Tier 3 OID_ AiID UtilityID AiLogID UtilityInitiativeTrackingID AssetID CircuitID InspectionLocationOrAddress ParcelAPN WMPInitiativeCategory WMPInitiativeActivity WMPSection WMPPageNumber InspectionStatus InitiativeTarget QuarterlyProgress CumulativeProgress InitiativeTargetUnits Confident
Case: 2023-IE | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Utility | Subjects Areas: | Date: 8/28/2023 6:46:04 AM

SDGE Comments to 2022 WMP IE ARC

August 25, 2023 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Docket # 2023-IE Caroline Thomas Jacobs Director, Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety 715 P Street, 20th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: SDG&E Comments to Independent Evaluator 2022 WMP Annual Report on Compliance Dear Director Thomas Jacobs: SDG&E h
Case: 2023-IE | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Utility | Subjects Areas: | Date: 8/28/2023 6:44:18 AM

Public Advocates Office Comments on the BVES 2022 WMP

Microsoft Word - Public Advocates Office Comments on the 2022 Independent Evaluation Annual Report on Compliance - BVES 2022 WM 518576477i August 25, 2023 Via Electronic Filing Caroline Thomas Jacobs, Director Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety California Natural Resources Agency Sacramento, CA 95814
Case: 2023-IE | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Intervenor | Subjects Areas: | Date: 8/28/2023 6:43:02 AM

Comments_PGE_2022 WMP IE ARC

Vince Tanguay Senior Director Mailing Address: 300 Lakeside Drive Oakland, CA 94612 Telephone: 925-786-7144 Email: Public Public August 25, 2023 Via Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety E-Filing Caroline Tho
Case: 2023-IE | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Utility | Subjects Areas: | Date: 8/28/2023 6:41:32 AM

Public Advocates Office Comments PacifCorp 2022 WMP IE ARC

518416444 August 25, 2023 Via Electronic Filing Caroline Thomas Jacobs, Director Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety California Natural Resources Agency Sacramento, CA 95184 Subject: Public Advocates Office’s Opening Comments on the 2022 Wildfire Mitigation Plan Independent Evaluator Annual Report on
Case: 2023-IE | Document Type: Comments | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Intervenor | Subjects Areas: | Date: 8/28/2023 6:40:04 AM

BVES 2022 Independent Evaluator Annual Report

BVES_Response_to_IE_Report_2022 _WMP.pdf August 24, 2022 VIA E-MAIL Caroline Thomas Jacobs Director, Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety 715 P Street, 20th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: BVES 2022 Independent Evaluator Annual Report on Compliance Dear Director Thomas Jacobs: Bear Valley Electric Service, Inc. (BVES) is providing
Case: 2023-IE | Document Type: | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Utility | Subjects Areas: | Date: 8/24/2023 1:37:53 PM

Energy Safety Public Comment Request for 2022 WMP IE ARC

State of California – A Natural Resources Agency Gavin Newsom, Governor OFFICE OF ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE SAFETY Caroline Thomas Jacobs, Director 715 P Street, 20th Floor | Sacramento, CA 95814 916.902.6000 | July 26, 2023 To: “Independent Evaluator” Stakeholders Subject: Energy Safety Seeks Public Comment on 2
Case: 2023-IE | Document Type: Compliance Filing | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: | Date: 7/26/2023 10:36:06 AM


Final Independent Evaluator Annual Report on Compliance 55 East Monroe Street Chicago, IL 60603-5780 USA 312-269-2000 Independent Evaluator Annual Report on Compliance BVES 2022 Wildfire Mitigation Plan Compliance Assessment Prepared for Bear Valley Electric Services, Inc. Prepared by Sargent & Lundy
Case: 2023-IE | Document Type: Report | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: | Date: 7/26/2023 10:35:27 AM


Microsoft Word - 2023_PG&E_IE_FINAL 063023 _ Revised 072023 - redacted     1  FINAL INDEPENDENT EVALUATOR ANNUAL REPORT ON COMPLIANCE                 2  FINAL INDEPENDENT EVALUATOR ANNUAL REPORT ON COMPLIANCE    Table of Contents  1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..........................................................................................................
Case: 2023-IE | Document Type: Report | Submission Type: Document | Submitter Role: Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety | Subjects Areas: | Date: 7/26/2023 10:34:30 AM
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