OEIS QDR Spatial Data - V2.2 - Overview
Dataset Feature Class or Table Submitted (Yes/No) Reason Availability Explanation Entire Feature/Table Confidential? (Yes/No) Metadata Included (Yes/No)? Metadata Absence Explanation Data Procurement Actions Estimated Delivery
Asset Point Camera No Not able to provide Not an initiative Yes No Not an initiativ
OEIS QDR Spatial Data - V2.2 - Overview
Dataset Feature Class or Table Submitted (Yes/No) Reason Availability Explanation Entire Feature/Table Confidential? (Yes/No) Metadata Included (Yes/No)? Metadata Absence Explanation Data Procurement Actions Estimated Delivery
Asset Point Camera Yes No Yes
Connection Device Yes No Yes
Customer Meter Yes Yes
San Diego Gas & Electric Company’s
Quarterly Data Report on WMP
Spatial and Non-Spatial Data (QDR)
February 1, 2023
Pursuant to the California Public Utilities Commission (Commission or CPUC) Resolution WSD-011, and
Wildfire Safety Division’s Compliance Operational Protocols, issued February 16, 2021, SDG&
Cover Sheet Tables 1-12
Yes No <-- for dropdowns
Energy Safety Data Guidelines Appendix D, Section 1.2
Wildifire Mitigation Data Tables Template: Tables 1 - 15
Update the below table to establish which reporting period this submission this represents.
Utility Name SDG&E
First year of 3-year WMP cycle 2023
Reporting Period year 2022
Reporting Period q
OEIS QDR Spatial Data - V2.2.1 - Overview
Dataset Feature Class or Table Submitted (Yes/No) Reason Availability Explanation Entire Feature/Table Confidential? (Yes/No) Metadata Included (Yes/No)? Metadata Absence Explanation Data Procurement Actions Estimated Delivery
Asset Point Camera Yes No No SCE will confer with Energy Safety and peer
OEIS QDR Spatial Data - V2.2 - Overview
Dataset Feature Class or Table Submitted (Yes/No) Reason Availability Explanation Entire Feature/Table Confidential? (Yes/No) Metadata Included (Yes/No)? Metadata Absence Explanation Data Procurement Actions Estimated Delivery
Asset Point Camera No Not able to provide Not an initiative Yes No Not an initiativ
OEIS QDR Spatial Data - V2.2 - Overview
Dataset Feature Class or Table Submitted (Yes/No) Reason Availability Explanation Entire Feature/Table Confidential? (Yes/No) Metadata Included (Yes/No)? Metadata Absence Explanation Data Procurement Actions Estimated Delivery
Asset Point Camera No No change since last submission
Connection Device No Not able
Microsoft Word - OEIS Certification of Confidentiality_Q22022 QDR (8.1.2022_ShinjiniMenon).docx
Southern California Edison Company’s Certification of Confidential
Designation Pursuant to the Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety’s
Emergency Rules of Practice and Procedure
I, Rajdeep Roy, declare and state:
1. Shinjini C. Menon, Vice President of Asset Mana
Jay Leyno
Community Wildfire Safety Program
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7442
San Francisco, CA 94120
Telephone: (925) 239-3126
Email: Jay.Leyno@pge.com
Stephen P. Lai
Data Manager, Data Analytics
2022 Quarterly Submission Guide
Yes No <-- for dropdowns
Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety Attachment 3
Wildifire Mitigation Plan Quarterly Data Report - non-spatial data template
Instructions for use Relevant options for mitigations table: Table 12
1. Fill out the tan cells (color represented here) starting with the cell below (D17: Utility). The Util